“The best time of my career” | OneFootball

“The best time of my career” | OneFootball

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Eintracht Frankfurt

·24 mai 2024

“The best time of my career”

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There was a huge turnout for “an extraordinary person and footballer” on Friday, as 150 journalists attended Makoto Hasebe’s farewell press conference in Tokyo alongside board member for sport Markus Krösche.

To call Makoto Hasebe’s farewell press conference in Tokyo a big deal would be an understatement. Around 150 journalists, including 15 camera teams, attended the event – which was broadcast live on TV – on a morning of heightened emotions in the Japanese capital. Organised by Eintracht Frankfurt, the press conference was described as a “great honour” by Hasebe, who was accompanied to his numerous PR appointments by an Eintracht delegation.

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Special occasion for Hasebe

“I’ve given a lot of press conferences in my career – this one is obviously special,” said the 2018 DFB Cup and 2022 Europa League winner shortly before taking to the podium, as members of the media – who had long since taken their seats in the hall – waited for him to appear. “I’m a bit nervous and I’m really looking forward to it.”

Board member for sport Markus Krösche set the right tone with his opening speech: “Makoto is an extraordinary person and was an extraordinary footballer. He was a role model and a proper leader for all of us. I’m really happy and grateful to have spent this time with Makoto. He was always a real inspiration, especially for our younger players. He has played a huge part in Eintracht’s success in recent years.” Amid the flurry of flashing cameras, Hasebe reflected on his remarkable career with a witty and poignant speech. He had nothing but positive things to say about Eintracht, the club he joined as a 30-year-old from 1. FC Nürnberg in 2014. “Looking back, I can say that my time at Eintracht Frankfurt was the best of my career,” he said. “Frankfurt is my second home and I’m happy to be able to stay with Eintracht.”

Bright future in the heart of Europe

And the 114-time Japanese international has no plans to leave the banks of the River Main anytime soon. Krösche, for one, continues to rely on the 40-year-old. “Makoto has set his sights on becoming a coach – he will have that opportunity with us,” he said. “As a role model and figurehead for Eintracht Frankfurt, he can make a big difference, especially with young players. He has outstanding qualities that set him apart throughout his career. That discipline, composure and calmness will really help him gain a foothold as a coach and set out on his own journey.”

Naturally, Hasebe spoke very highly of both his adopted and home countries. “Germany will remain my main place of residence,” he confirmed. “I’m very happy and at home there. Like Japan, it’s a country with a lot of advantages. My kids go to school there and my family are very settled. Coaching apprenticeships are very good in Frankfurt. As for Japan, I always enjoy going there to eat!”

Clad in an official club suit, Hasebe addressed the journalists in his farewell speech and thanked the media representatives for their cooperation. He has a lot more on his plate in the coming days, though, as he holds farewell interviews with all the country’s main media outlets. All of which, no doubt, will be conducted with the same discipline and professionalism Hasebe showed during his time as a player.

Arigato, Hasebe-san!

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