Nottingham Forest fans comments on selling Odysseas Vlachodimos to Newcastle and buying Elliot Anderson | OneFootball

Nottingham Forest fans comments on selling Odysseas Vlachodimos to Newcastle and buying Elliot Anderson | OneFootball

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·01 de julho de 2024

Nottingham Forest fans comments on selling Odysseas Vlachodimos to Newcastle and buying Elliot Anderson

Imagem do artigo:Nottingham Forest fans comments on selling Odysseas Vlachodimos to Newcastle and buying Elliot Anderson

Nottingham Forest fans have been reacting to the deals their club now have done with Newcastle United, selling Odysseas Vlachodimos and buying Elliot Anderson.

Odysseas Vlachodimos a 30-year-old Greece international goalkeeper who Forest bought for £8m last summer (2023).

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Elliot Anderson a homegrown 21-year-old Newcastle United midfielder/winger.

Mixed comments on Elliot Anderson from the Nottingham Forest fans.

However, they are very consistent when it comes to their thoughts on Odysseas Vlachodimos, who only started five PL matches last season for Forest.

With a PSR deadline of Sunday 30 June 2024, plenty of conspiracy theories in play!

Nottingham Forest fans commenting via their LTTF Forest Forum:

‘Anderson is going to be the standout CM for us next season, playing every game when he is not injured. The boy is talented. Yes, better than Sangare, Yates, Dominguez and Danilo. This will prove to be a superb signing.’

‘I’m sure Elliot Anderson is a very good player. Personally I can’t believe he’s coming here to be back-up, so we’ll surely see a couple of midfielders leave this summer.’

‘None of us actually know any of the numbers but you’d imagine this supposed ‘£35m’ for Elliot Anderson would be £20/25m up front then the rest in add ons. So take 4/5m off that from Vlach’s fee and you’re looking at £15/20m up front for a young English midfielder with lots of Prem experience under his belt which seems about right.’

‘If we got any money for our keeper, it was too much!

I hope Newcastle don’t ask him to carry the half-time tea tray…’

‘Or make him work on the turnstiles, he’d let everyone in.’

‘Even better is that Anderson’s value will likely rise or at the very least he’ll be worth pretty much what we paid so if we were to sell then we’ll make some kind of profit.

Newcastle however will have to keep Vlachodimos until the end of his contract because whatever they do they’ll make a loss!’

‘But if they make an extra 15m above market value on Anderson, that wipes out any loss on Vlad.’

‘£4m fee apparently for our keeper.’

‘Absolutely no chance it’s £4m, that wouldn’t even cover the balance left on us buying him from Benfica. It’d be a PSR negative for Forest which is the literal opposite of the point of doing it. That figure is made up by someone who’s trying to make themselves feel better about the deal.’

‘Still think there are details to come out about this and the Vlach deal.

I don’t for one second believe that Newcastle have had us over a barrel for 35m and only 4 back for Vlach.

Something doesn’t smell right at all. I’m guessing the 35m includes 10-15m of high level bonuses (England caps, European qual etc) which Newcastle can use for their PSR projections but which we are unlikely to pay (or if we do have to pay will be because it’s been a massively successful deal).’

‘Ignoring the fee, I personally don’t see him breaking in to the starting 11 any time soon, hope I’m wrong but really don’t see what others are with him.’

‘Whenever I have seen him play, I have been impressed with him. Certainly think he will be a good fit for us and given regular game time should prove to be an excellant signing.’

‘Looking forward to seeing him in action. Young, technical and home-grown.

I’m hopeful the deal will prove to be a good one.’

‘I’ll say this then im not wasting any more of my time. The facts aren’t out there regarding the fee so for the love of god please stop talking like we have factually spent £35m in one lump on a single player. That’s why people are saying don’t worry about it, because it’s not factual so stop getting so upset about it.

It could be £20m + £15m in add ons, Vlach could go for £12-15m & that’s a spend of £5-8m currently. Does that make him a £35m player? Because he would have cost us about £8m in that scenario.

It could be that we’ve spent £35m just because we like the black and white kit of Newcastle and just decided to help them out the kindness of our heart.

It could be a million scenarios but why do people do this thing time and time again where they go mental about something which is not fact. The Vlach fee hasn’t been mentioned by a single person we don’t know what it is, logic would dictate it’s going to be quite high.’

‘Welcome Elliot. I’ve a very good feeling this lad will play a big part in the years ahead.

I just hope we don’t lose MGW to the Toon in the next few weeks.’

‘This is a really weird one, he doesn’t look like anything we really need. At the fee mentioned as well, just makes it even stranger. I have an uncomfortable feeling about what this deal means, I think someone will be leaving us for a similarly inflated fee in the other direction in the coming weeks.’

‘We need the Keepers price to be north of £10M for this deal to make sense for us.

I’ve seen loads of Geordies saying that they will ‘return the favour’ to us by signing MGW, yeah cause selling our best player to them when all we got was a squad player is fair.

Also, an ‘inflated’ price for Morgan is something stupid like £80M which they obviously wouldn’t pay.’

‘Forest will have done the Anderson deal on their terms. Newcastle were the ones under pressure to sell not us.’

‘Very happy with this signing, no matter what anyone says about fees or doubts about him.

Excited. He’s a huge talent. And I think he’ll thrive in an environment where people show real belief in him.’

‘Yeah I agree. I’ve not seen loads of him, but until he was about to come here the Newcastle fans I know really liked him. Now he’s no great loss of course.

Anyway, he’s a non thick sounding lad from Whitley Bay. I think he’ll do well here and he’ll like it.’

‘Whenever I’ve seen him I’ve always been impressed. He looks so dangerous dribbling and wants to be positive all the time on the ball.

Could not have imagined Forest to have signed him as I thought Newcastle wanted him for their future. Granted, he isn’t a big name or foreign talent, and he’s coming from Newcastle fringes, but I believe in him.

I think he’ll make a difference this season.’

Imagem do artigo:Nottingham Forest fans comments on selling Odysseas Vlachodimos to Newcastle and buying Elliot Anderson


‘People keep saying ignore the fee it’s 35m!!! It’s a ridiculous amount of money to be paying for a player who likely does not even get in our team.

I just cannot see the benefit to us helping Newcastle on PSR when as it stands they have not returned the favour.

We could have got Summerville from Leeds for less money.’

‘I think the Vlach figure is being downplayed for the sake of the toon fans here.

The £4m figure being banded about probably has an add on, something like if he puts on a pair of gloves the fee rises to £18m.

That way, we get a good deal and the toon look like they’ve had our pants down. Win win.’

‘If a full 35m free for this chap is just to get Vlack off the books for around 5m then that’s not a good deal.

If it means there is another big name going the other way for an inflated fee, again that’s not good for Forest.

Rather keep the big guns and invest carefully than lose a crown jewel for an extra 10m or so.

Intriguing though it is to find how this plays out but we can do without the uncertainty.’

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